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Associate Performance Dashboard for Home Depot

My first big project at Home Depot was focused on making in-store associates more aware of their performance and the impact they have on customers. Home Depot has a large number of professional-level customers. Those customers have 1:1 relationships with in-store associates.

My increasing visibility of customer-level performance, we aimed to better inform customers of the benefits they gain by working with Home Depot. By keeping associates well-informed, we hoped to see the bonds between associate and customer strengthen and improve.

I led the ideation, research, and design efforts for this work. We were able to get the majority of it tested and in the development pipeline within a year and a half. Post-launch, it was estimated the dashboard provided an $800M sales lift on a $2M budget within the first year.

Feedback was extremely positive. We had plans to expand the dashboard to all in-store associates and sectors of the stores, but I am unaware of whether that expansion came to fruition.


One of our goals was to raise awareness of store-wide information, like sales targets and weekly promotions.
Stores track data like how department sales compares over time and what percentage of overall sales each department accounts for.
This view was meant to act as an entry point for management to view performance across departments.
1 Store.png

Department Performance

Management would be able to drill down into the various departments.

This would give them insight into exactly how well departments are meeting customer needs.
2.2 Pro Mgr Dept.png

Professional Associate

Here is an example of what an associate would see when they check the tool.

The initial goal was to give them immediate insight into their personal performance across their customer portfolio.

We discovered many associates desired help/guidance on how to perform better. We created the Focus space where we could surface opportunities for associates to improve performance through distinct tasks.
2.3 Pro Assoc perf.png

Professional Customer

Professional Associates could drill down into customer-specific details.

This afforded insight into the customer's business and sales history. We also surfaced the sales and deals that would be pertinent to the customer's business, allowing them an easy way to save even more money.

We found giving associates quick access to information that helped remind customers why they choose Home Depot was one of the most well-liked aspect of the project.
2.4 Pro Cust.png

General Associate

Not every associate would be dealing directly with repeat customers.

Those associates would have more general performance pages that tracked the metrics and measure they were held accountable to.
4.2 In-Aisle Assoc Perf.png
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